;MINOR BALL HOCKEY ONTARIO (MBHO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ball hockey in Ontario for boys and girls. With over 7,000 members and growing, MBHO has become a leader for ball hockey at the Provincial and National levels. Our successful leagues are located in communities across Ontario (see HERE for a list of locations), and we are proud to announce that we are starting new leagues in several more communities this year.
NORTH PERTH MINOR BALL HOCKEY LEAGUE (AMBHL) was created to provide children of all ages with a fun and safe environment to enjoy Canada's favourite game.
OUR GOAL Is to provide a fun and safe environment for the children of our community at a low cost and with your assistance we can accomplish our goal and ensure that all children have the opportunity to play and be active. We offer various ball hockey programs for all ages and levels, including learn-to-play, house league, and competitive play.
OUR VISION is to grow the exciting game of ball hockey in North Perth and surrounding communities. Ball hockey is a sport that anyone can play, and we aim to bring together players of all skill levels.
We rely on local businesses for financial support through sponsorships to make our program affordable for the children of our community. Your sponsorship would allow AMBHL to support costs for player uniforms, equipment, youth development programs, officiating, insurance, and other daily operating expenses.
Ball Hockey Sponsorships offer many marketing opportunities to reach a large audience and give back to your local community. We recognize our ball hockey sponsors by driving business back into our community, increasing brand awareness and loyalty, driving retail traffic, showcasing your company at the arena and on our social media channels, and inviting you to engage with our teams to promote your business.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: contact Lauren Buxton at laurenmbho@gmail.com